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28 November 2012

It Takes a Village...

Dear Baby Girl,

I'm writing to let you know that you aren't born yet, but you have a whole village of friends, family, and loved ones who are making it possible for you to have an awesome life in and out of the womb. What a lucky baby you are, and what lucky parents we are going to be.

I hope, as your parents, we raise you to BE grateful and SHOW your appreciation for all of these wonderful people who are quietly working behind the scenes to give us everything we need to help you suceed.  I hope, as your parents, that this village of people knows just how much we appreciate everything they do.

Loved ones hundreds of miles away are planning your baby shower, sewing you your first quilt, picking out just the perfect baby book for you, and diligently window shopping for your layette. Friends are lending us baby books, fetal dopplers, and priceless advice so we can make good choices for you until you're big enough to start choosing with us.

Your grandparents already think you're beautiful, even if your ultrasounds show you look like an alien. (Don't worry, your dear mother and Uncle Taylor were "aliens" for the first several months of their lives too, but in a different sense. Ask Grandma Diana if you don't believe me.)

Your dad has traded in his 'Outdoor' magazine for a baby names book and makes me tea and food at strange hours with no complaints.

You are a lucky, lucky baby!  We can't wait to meet you in the spring. (Please, don't make your grand appearance any sooner, despite what you might hear me say in a moment of exhaustion!)


A heartfelt thanks to everyone, everywhere, for everything.  I feel like I can't thank everyone enough and that I'm constantly forgetting to thank specific people for specific things. I'd like to blame the baby-brain, but I'm really just so excited that I'm twitterpated. Forgive me!

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