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26 October 2011

latest wife quote

Anyone who doesn't want a baby made of solid gold is crazy... You can melt it down and sell it!!

24 October 2011

I guess it's been awhile

I just realized that the last time I blogged was almost two weeks ago! Honestly, I was nervous this morning that I would log on and find out my last blog was two months ago. I'm so bad at this.

I think not much is new and that's part of the reason for not blogging.

Lately, I've been wrestling with how much of 'me' I want to put out on this blog. On one hand, I'm naturally a very open book. On the other hand, I'm married to someone who is not only very private, but who is intensely protective of me.

The head zoo keeper has no real qualms with my blog (so far) but he isn't super enthusiastic about me putting it all out there.


(There's always a "but", isn't there?)

But when things in my life are really big and really stressful, talking about them really helps me cope. I have a very difficult time with anxiety and stress. I always, always try to internalize it. And I always, always fail eventually. The failure is always in the form of an explosion. I hurt people and I make things more painful for myself.

I think that blogging might be a happy middle. I can still be relatively 'internal' because I'm not talking anyone's ears off, yet at the same time I'm getting it out there on a platform that allows for comments and discussion. It's like talking to someone without making eye contact, I suppose. It feels a little strange, a little off, but it's easier in many ways to get the heavy stuff out of your system.

[In case you didn't notice, I just did exactly what I was discussing. That's confusing. But choosing how much to blog about is one of my stressors and just putting it out there, blogging about the actual blogging problem has helped me greatly!]

So, here goes! My biggest long-term stresses are from least to most stress:
1. Being homesick. I so, so miss Montana. I less and less miss the physical place and more and more miss the lifestyle and the people. I didn't feel homesick at all for the first 2-3 years after I left and I'm paying it all back now.
2. Our future. Specifically how long we will be in the Navy, where we move next, what Don does after the Navy, what I do, when I get to do my real job, etc.
3. The upcoming deployment. I feel like it's coming very soon, it's going to be SO, SO long, and there are a billion things I need to do before it all happens. Eek!
4. And last but not least starting a family. I plan to blog further about this part, hopefully today.

But don't worry! I'm really OK. =] Actually, today is my first day in a long time with no commitments, work, appointments, etc. I'm loving my pajama day full of Project Runway reruns and relaxation.

12 October 2011

Just A Quck Update...

Well, I just got back from SeaTac Airport. Don is in the air and on his way to Washington DC via Chicago.

He will be there for a few days and on Thursday has an interview as part of his official Navy business.

I wish I could've tagged along but I think he'll be ok on his own for a few days. Wink.

I'm up later than I should be, so I'm going to go brew up some tea and hit the hay.

Good night!

02 October 2011

Craft Time

I love fall. I love the pretty leaves, availability of pumpkins, and a good excuse to wear boots and scarves and mittens. Overwhelmed by a rare streak of domesticity, I started shopping for wreathes to hang on the front door. Our neighborhood is rather drab. Our friend Forest calls it "Downtown Baghdad" so take from that what you will.

Etsy was my first stop because I love nothing more than spending money without leaving the couch. (Sorry, honey!) However. Those things are EXPENSIVE!! I can buy half a cow for the same price as a few branches arranged artfully in a circle. No. No. No.

A little trip to Michaels set me up with all of the wreath-ery that I would need: grapevine wreath starters, fake leaves and flowers, hot glue, and floral wire.

As it turns out, the business of wreath-making is not as simple as I imagined. After an afternoon of wrestling with wire cutters and all manners of leaves and flora, here is what I came up with. I feel they are a bit juvenile, but they sure as heck didn't cost me $100! So there!

Comment and let me know if you have suggestions and what you think!