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10 February 2012

House Crazy

Well, we found out in early January that we are staying here for the next few years. Initially, I was pretty torn. One one hand I really hoped to get as close to the mid-west as I could. I've had my share of the West Cost. When we first moved out here, it was as foreign to me as Downtown Beijing. On the other hand, I've acclimated and found my niche here. I have top-shelf friends, I finally am confident enough to go without my GPS, I have my favorite yoga studio, my favorite cafe, my favorite running routes. I have the farmer's market schedules memorized, and my sushi chef knows my order and name by heart. Yes, I know I'm starting to sound like a Seattle granola hippie environmentalist person/thing. Some people complain endlessly about the weather but I used it as an excuse to buy cute rain boots. What on earth would my husband say if we had to move someplace dry? (Let's be honest, he wouldn't say anything. He'd roll his eye and as he walked away, he'd say something about me being crazy to one of the pups.)

So, here we are! Ta-da! As much as I love learning new cities and new people, there is immense comfort in knowing I get to stay in my comfort zone, literally.

I can't make it easy on myself though. The place we live in now is a veeeeeery small house. We're not talking Somalian-hut-small. We're talking small for a spoiled American girl who lives with three dogs, a husband, and has many hobbies. We're talking "bring in the mail and groceries and fold a load of laundry and suddenly there are no flat surfaces to behold" small. And we are also trying to start a family...therein lies the problem. Where would said baby go? Literally, I think I'd have to change the child ON THE STOVE. Maybe if the stove was in use I could open the oven and use the oven door. The shower could be converted into a playpen/crib area. And as long as baby is happy playing with dog toys, we are set there. So, yes, I absolutely could make it work. Probably, though, I'd be raising the next Charles Manson or Britney Spears so I think I'll pass.

After some research, I was pretty stunned to discover that it is currently much cheaper for us to BUY a house (so adult like!) than for us to rent something that is in the right neighborhood with a fenced yard that allows pets.

I promptly set out to buy a house. If you can imagine a blind man in an obstacle course trying to play laser tag with a flying squirrel, then you can imagine how well I set out to buy a house. I had no IDEA where to even start. (Oh, and if you are wondering too, whatever you do, DON'T GOOGLE "HOW TO BUY A HOUSE"!!!!)

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