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22 September 2013

Wishlist for G

Hi everyone!

Just a fair warning, this post is not for you. Hah! Well, it might be if you were planning on asking us what we wanted for Christmas. If not, then that's fine too. Don't feel obligated to get us a gift now just because I shoved our wishlist in your face.

Also, I'll be updating this periodically so apologies in advance for making you read this over and over.

For those of you who are going to ask what we want for Xmas, the truth is that we want things for our daughter, for the most part. 

The next truth is that we are a wee bit picky.  Next, I'm going to tell you why we're picky. It doesn't really make up for the fact that we're picky, but maybe it'll make you less annoyed by our pickiness.

1) G is so young she doesn't care what her toys and possessions are made of. She isn't coveting a Barbie or other toy made of plastic. As long as she doesn't care, we don't need to be giving her things that are toxic.

2) G still puts everything she grabs in her mouth. Again, why bother with things that are toxic?

3) We live in a lovely house with almost no storage. We don't have room for junk or things we don't love or use. I know that sounds blunt and harsh but such is the way of the world.

Ok, glad we got that out of the way.

Next up is a general overview of what we love and use:
*Unfinished, sanded hardwood toys and teethers. They can be finished with beeswax or other organic type waxes and even water-based food dyes.
*Food grade silicone
*100% cotton items. Organic is ideal if it's considered a "teether" but plain old cotton will do just fine.
*Made in the USA! Not only is it great to support our local economy, but it's safer.

Things we avoid:
*Plastics of any kind. Even if the package says "BPA free" there are still other chemicals that leach out.
*Microban and other antimicrobial coatings
*Polyesters (which are often doused in flame retardants)
*Anything scented or dyed with unknown dies. RIT dye is NOT safe for babies, for example.
*Toys "older than her age" like play makeup.
*Toys that use batteries, light up, or make annoying sounds. She's going to want them sooner or later so let's not rush into the annoying toy phase any earlier than necessary!
*And, of course, anything that is a potential choking hazard.

OK, so now I'm sure you're thinking, "What a party pooper! How will I find anything that makes this nincompoop happy?"  So now I'll give you some examples!   **FAIR WARNING** the links I am providing are to goods that are usually handmade, often on etsy. These things are NOT cheap. Please don't get 10 cheap gifts when you could get one awesome, handmade in the USA, organic gift. We are all about quality over quantity for sure. And we totally know the value, monetarily and morally, of the gifts. Also, clicking on any of the etsy photos should take you to the listing, and prices exclude shipping.

First up: a wooden teether with organic cotton "ears."    I think these are adorable. We have a similar one that doesn't have ears. Instead it has a pocket that holds ice cubes. Genius! I would love one more so I can wash one and still have one for her to play with.

From Bunbunbabydesigns on etsy. Organic cotton and organic maple wood ring. $12

From Rewoodtoys on etsy. Wooden teether. $13. We love any thing like this! 

Next up: organic cotton "stuffed animals". I love the clean, simple aesthetic!

From Soulrole on etsy. Organic cotton bunny. $15
From StarBrightBaby on etsy. Organic cotton giraffe. $18

Next, neato toys for when she's a bit older:

From SmilingTreeToys on etsy. Two sided wooden puzzle $15.

From LittleSaplingToys on etsy. Organic wooden blocks. $15. Can I say these are my absolute favorite? If anyone buys these, PLEASE let me know because I think I'm getting these for her for Christmas!

Also from LittleSaplingToys. Stacking rainbow. $40. LOVE! 

Next up: Quirky, fun clothing. I'm particularly crushing on bold, modern prints!
From FableBaby on etsy. Organic leggings, handprinted. $43. (Ouch on the price!)
From downhomeamy on etsy. Organic bibs. $19.95. (I'm crushing on all of her bibs SO hard. I might have to splurge on one or two if she's eating solids before Christmas.)
From Zmunki on etsy. Baby kimono!!!  $25

Stuff for mama and papa:
From TheVintageHoneyShop on etsy. Teething necklace. $18. (I love these. G rips my shirts or hair while she eats so these have been a real life saver. And they're just lovely, aren't they?)

Gifts for when she's much older:
From CakeInTheMorn on etsy. Toy map. $10. HOW CUTE.

Any felt pretend play toys! I can't wait to play with these myself, hahaha. These are all from CreationByM on etsy with varying prices. Tell me these aren'te the cutest, most creative toy foods you've ever seen!!!!!

OK, OK. I'm done with the food! For now.

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