Today we had our 20 week appointment, and luckily Don got to come along. We hit up the Ultrasound Tech first and got to see the baby for the second time. The first time, it looked like this:
The banana on the left is the baby and the circle on the right is the yolk sac. |
This time, it actually looked like a BABY!! A very alien baby, but better than the pseudo-fruit-scorpion of previous times. Look at that little alien face! At 20 weeks, babies don't have much fat on them so their bones show up well....those giant alien eyes are actually just the brow bone and the cheek bones showing up brightly. In between them is the nose/sinuses. The head is tilted to the left and the eyes and nose are below the "ARM" text, if you're completely confused by the ultrasound.
Baby is laying on its side, facing the screen. The face is on the left, baby's left arm is in the middle, and a little leg is showing at far right. |
Looking upwards towards the baby's bum and bottom of her thighs. The poor kid is already having her privacy invaded on the good old internet. Hahaha.
What a good lookin' lower skeleton, right?? The lower back and pelvis are on the left and the legs point to the right. |
At the beginning of the scan, she was curled up so tight that we weren't sure if the baby was a he or a she. And then, she started running laps or moonwalking like crazy.
Don knew it was a girl all along. I never really had a feeling either way, and in a way, it's strange to know it's a little "she." It does make picking out names easier though.
So everything looks great with baby from her measurements to the fluid around her and her movements. Everything looks pretty good for me too, except for the fact that I haven't gained a single pound yet. Doc says I need to do that if I want ample breastmilk supply, so literally as I sit here and type, I'm chowing down on ice cream with chocolate, carmel, and waffle cone chunks. MMMM. Also, fried chicken for dinner.
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