I love fall. I love the pretty leaves, availability of pumpkins, and a good excuse to wear boots and scarves and mittens. Overwhelmed by a rare streak of domesticity, I started shopping for wreathes to hang on the front door. Our neighborhood is rather drab. Our friend Forest calls it "Downtown Baghdad" so take from that what you will.
Etsy was my first stop because I love nothing more than spending money without leaving the couch. (Sorry, honey!) However. Those things are EXPENSIVE!! I can buy half a cow for the same price as a few branches arranged artfully in a circle. No. No. No.
A little trip to Michaels set me up with all of the wreath-ery that I would need: grapevine wreath starters, fake leaves and flowers, hot glue, and floral wire.
As it turns out, the business of wreath-making is not as simple as I imagined. After an afternoon of wrestling with wire cutters and all manners of leaves and flora, here is what I came up with. I feel they are a bit juvenile, but they sure as heck didn't cost me $100! So there!
Comment and let me know if you have suggestions and what you think!
I like both of them!!! You should make & sell them!! :)